Is a Virtual Personal Assistant The Right Choice for You? 0

Hasyim | 7:44 PM |

If you, like many business owners seem to always be running short of time, missing deadlines, missing appointments or just feel that the standard 24-hour day is no longer effective that it should be extended to 48 hours then you're not alone. There are many business owners that love what they do so much oftentimes they'll forget about appointments, family gatherings, and essentially, those things that getting into business is supposed to provide you with more time to enjoy. Often, we work so hard that we sometimes forget to stop and be social again. And this is where a virtual personal assistant can come in very handy, but you may want to consider whether or not this is something that's right for you.
Consider for a moment that a virtual personal assistant, as well as helping you with tasks in your business can also function as a sort of concierge reminding you of appointments, birthdays, hunting for hard-to-find gifts and even handling your correspondence, such as e-mail, telephone calls and so on. I've even heard of one gentleman that outsourced apologizing to his wife you e-mail! Having said that if you're someone that prefers to handle all of your correspondence yourself then a virtual personal assistant may not be the right choice for you. True, they can certainly help you manage your time, but you may not like the thought of someone typing up your e-mails or making phone calls on your behalf. You may just want to do it yourself.
However, you consider the amount of time that this can save you, you may want to reconsider. Consider for a moment that actual work time is often shortened by being sidetracked and having to look up directions or do research and find that perfect gift that you forgot about and you need it for tomorrow. This is where a virtual personal assistant can be a real time saver as you simply pay them to find exactly what you specify and reap the reward.
In fact, you may save so much time that you will have wondered what you did before you found this particular service, and when you consider that save time results in less stress and thereby allows you to focus more on your core business, this may just be the right decision for you.

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